Extreme Climbing: The Hardest Via Ferratas in the World

A via ferrata is a protected path in a mountainous area supported with wire ropes and other climbing aides. Via ferrata is Italian for “iron path”, and has its historical origins in the Alps centuries ago. Initially, the predecessors to via ferratas were used by shepherds to reach their higher pastures. In recent decades, via ferratas have gained in popularity with the climbing community and are today primarily used for sport and recreation. Although via ferratas have been developed in other countries around the world, the hardest and most extreme routes are still within the European Union. We’ve found 12 of them – Watch them all being climbed here!

20 Crazy Cool Buildings on Top of Mountains

Some of them look like the ostentatious home of a notorious Bond villain, while others have all the hallmarks of an eerie edifice straight out of a Lord of the Rings movie. There are a lot of remarkable buildings on top of mountains – We’ve put together a selection of 20 architectural and technical masterpieces. Watch videos of all the mountaintop buildings here!