The Longest German Words – Do You Dare To Pronounce Them?
The longest German word that appears at least five times in the Dudenkorpus is Rinderkennzeichnungsfleisch-etikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz, 79 characters long. It translates to “Bovine marking and meat labelin… Read full text
The longest German word that appears at least five times in the Dudenkorpus is Rinderkennzeichnungsfleisch-etikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz, 79 characters long. It translates to “Bovine marking and meat labeling supervision task delegation act” in English and was a law that dealt with the labeling of beef 1999-2013.
The second-longest German word (that appears more than five times in the Dudenkorpus) is Grundstücksverkehrsgenehmigungs-zuständigkeitsübertragungsverordnung – 67 characters long. It translates to “Regulation on the delegati… Read full text
The second-longest German word (that appears more than five times in the Dudenkorpus) is Grundstücksverkehrsgenehmigungs-zuständigkeitsübertragungsverordnung – 67 characters long. It translates to “Regulation on the delegation of authority concerning land conveyance permissions” in English. It’s a regulation covering the transfer of powers regarding real estate sale permits.
Another of the longest words in the German language is Straßenentwässerungsinvestitions-kostenschuldendienstumlage, 58 characters long. It translates to “Road drainage investment costs and debt service allocation” in English and i… Read full text
Another of the longest words in the German language is Straßenentwässerungsinvestitions-kostenschuldendienstumlage, 58 characters long. It translates to “Road drainage investment costs and debt service allocation” in English and is a legal term related to investments in road drainage.
The 47 character long German word Erdachsendeckelscharnierschmier-nippelkommission translates to “Earth axis cover hinge grease nipple commission” in English. It’s an association dedicated to greasing the “earth’s axis” in the Ger… Read full text
The 47 character long German word Erdachsendeckelscharnierschmier-nippelkommission translates to “Earth axis cover hinge grease nipple commission” in English. It’s an association dedicated to greasing the “earth’s axis” in the German town Pausa. At the end of this page, you can watch a report about the group by a regional German TV station.
A very long word in German is Wochenstundenentlastungs-bereinigungsverordnung, 46 characters long. It translates to “Weekly hours relief adjustment regulation” in English and is a regulation from 2003 that cut the number of hours … Read full text
A very long word in German is Wochenstundenentlastungs-bereinigungsverordnung, 46 characters long. It translates to “Weekly hours relief adjustment regulation” in English and is a regulation from 2003 that cut the number of hours in the curriculum for German schools.
The “Erdachse” in Pausa, Germany
A report in German about the Erdachsendeckelscharnier-schmiernippelkommission in the town Pausa. Jump to 4:40 in the video to see the earth axis’ nipple being greased by some of the association’s members.
The “Erdachse” in Pausa, Germany
A report in German about the Erdachsendeckelscharnier-schmiernippelkommission in the town Pausa. Jump to 4:40 in the video to see the earth axis’ nipple being greased by some of the association’s members.