18 Most Terrifying and Dangerous Mountain Roads in Europe

Stop reading now if you can’t handle heights well. We’ve looked high and low all over Europe (mostly high) for the most terrifying – or fantastic, depending on your preference for deep abysses – and dangerous mountain roads. Now it’s time for you to watch some of Europe’s most challenging drives.

20 Crazy Cool Buildings on Top of Mountains

Some of them look like the ostentatious home of a notorious Bond villain, while others have all the hallmarks of an eerie edifice straight out of a Lord of the Rings movie. There are a lot of remarkable buildings on top of mountains – We’ve put together a selection of 20 architectural and technical masterpieces. Watch videos of all the mountaintop buildings here!

18 Best Coffee Makers for the Backpacking Outdoor Enthusiast

Nothing tastes as good as coffee brewed outdoors. Imagine yourself in the wilderness by a lake or a river, only carrying a backpack. You’ve just unpacked your coffee beans and are about to smell the aroma of your freshly ground coffee. But with what equipment should you brew? There’s a myriad of different coffee makers tailored to the outdoor enthusiast. We’ve found 18 of the best gadgets to make coffee on the road.